

OTOA Web Site English Contents

WHAT'S OTOA - Overseas Tour Operators Association of Japan (OTOA) - OTOA OF OVERSEAS TRAVEL SAFETY INFORMATION

An Introduction

Members of the Overseas Tour Operators Association of Japan (OTOA) provide local services for Japanese individuals traveling abroad, as well as providing services requested by travel agencies in Japan on behalf of their customers. In other words, we are an overseas travel agency association which specializes in serving Japanese tourists abroad.

OTOA has 105 full member companies, and 26 associate member companies (as of June 1, 2024). Those of you who have traveled abroad will more than likely have come across us when traveling between airport and hotel, on guided tours, at tour information desks, and so on. And while our bread-and-butter role is to make arrangements for hotel reservations, transportation, meals, tickets and the like, we strongly believe that a secondary role of our activities is to strengthen ties between Japan and other countries through a variety of intercultural activities.

Boasting a broad base of member companies, OTOA has a network which covers, at present, 245 cities in 80 countries via a total of 811 bases, providing up-to-the-minute regional information, and ensuring visitors safe and enjoyable travel. At the same time, we continually look to develop new areas of travel, so that we can support as many
Japanese travelers as possible, and so that they may experience memorable travels wherever they choose to go.

OTOA's Main Activities

Travel Safety Enhancement
The collection and maintenance of information from major cities on regional safety.
Specific examples of trouble involving tourists are released to travel agencies nationwide to enhance the safety and security of overseas travelers.
Public Relations
Increasing general awareness of the business and social role of tour operators.
‘OTOA News’ is an information bulletin produced bi-monthly, which also aims to provide a window of access for tour operators, travel agencies and the media.
Personnel Training
Seminars and training courses provided for members staff domestically and overseas.
Courses give instruction on all aspects of our business; general manner, how to look after japanese guests, and the enhancement of service provided by staff, with the overall goal of continually improving the level of tour operation in Japan.
Research Studies
Investigative research of actual and potential problems.
Actual complaints concerning overseas travel and potential trouble scenarios are analyzed, conclusions drawn, and results implemented to improve working procedures and service provision.