
【都市別安全情報(トラベルサポート)】- オセアニア/ポリネシア

ニュージーランド [ New Zealand ]



ニュージーランド / 「インフルエンザA(H1N1)型」に関するニュージーランドの最新状況


情報提供:株式会社アイディツアーズ サウスパシフィック、 ニュージーランド政府観光局









 URL http://www.moh.govt.nz./ (英語)

Update on Influenza A (H1N1) in New Zealand

22 May 2009

The outbreak of Influenza A (H1N1) has caused concern about the safety of international travel. In that context this communique aims to clarify that there are currently no cases of influenza A (H1N1) in New Zealand. All 9 New Zealanders who contracted the virus while on travel in North America have been treated and have recovered from their mild influenza symptoms. There has been no transmission of the virus among people in New Zealand; there have been no infections in animals; there have been no fatalities.

The national health authorities are monitoring passengers from incoming flights originating in North America and screening any travellers who have been recently in Mexico or the United States. Positive screening will be put in place on Saturday 23 May for inbound direct flights from Japan. Any persons exhibiting flu-like symptoms are being diagnosed and offered advice and opportunities for treatment.

The Government considers the outbreak a matter of concern, but not alarm. Although 'flu symptoms have been mild in cases in New Zealand, the government has implemented a national action plan to prevent infections occurring here and treating any individuals, foreigners included, should they become sick following travel outside New Zealand.

As a result New Zealand has been among the first countries able to respond quickly and effectively to the H1N1 outbreak. Systems are in place to care for anybody who develops the 'flu. All New Zealand international airports are open and operating normally, with some additional health precautions.

There is no reason for visitors to be overly concerned about contracting this illness in New Zealand. We are recommending normal health precautions for all New Zealand nationals and visitors alike.

Up-to-date statements about the situation in New Zealand can be found on the Ministry of Health website: http://www.moh.govt.nz.